New Strategy 2013-2015 of BBK Bahrain

Abdul Karim Ahmed Bucheery, Chief Executive of BBK Bahrain and Chairman of the Bahrain Association of Banks, talks about the strategy of the bank for 2013-2015.

Abdul Karim Ahmed Bucheery, Chief Executive of BBK Bahrain and Chairman of the Bahrain Association of Banks, talks about the strategy of the bank for 2013-2015.

“The new strategy is not radical, but we are trying to build on the achievements that we have made so far. We have learned good lessons from our previous strategy. For instance, we have withdrawn or changed our international business more towards GCC and this has reaped benefits for us because we entered the market at the right time. We will be cementing this going forward. We will be looking into any expansion opportunity outside Bahrain into countries that we feel comfortable with. We will continue to try to expand our operation in India because we think being one amongst a couple of Middle Eastern banks who have a presence in India, we have a role to play in participating and facilitating the trade and flow between India, which is a major exporter country, and the GCC market and the wider middle east market which also has strong importing countries. We will focus on our retail banking business, enhancing our delivery channels in Bahrain and focusing more on the IT and electronic delivery channels. So this is basically one of the most important aspects of our current strategy.” 



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