Mobile Market Innovation in Bahrain: 4G

Shaikh Mohamed bin Isa Al-Khalifa, CEO of Batelco Group, talks about innovation at Batelco.

Shaikh Mohamed bin Isa Al-Khalifa, CEO of Batelco Group, talks about innovation at Batelco.

According to Al-Khalifa, Batelco has always been at the forefront of innovation and has always strived to provide the markets, especially strong markets such as Bahrain, with the latest technology.

“The launch of the 4G network comes at the right time when the market has seen significant growth in broadband usage,” he exaplins. “It also has strength in the fiber cabling that has been done so far in Bahrain and it looks to grow the fiber connectivity to be in line with the target and aspirations that Bahrain as a country has in terms of achieving high-speed throughput for all businesses as well as residents in Bahrain,” concludes Al-Khalifa.



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