Libya Interviews

List of all articles filed under “libya-interviews” category.

National Commercial Bank: Strategy to Become the Best Bank in Libya

Suleiman E. Alazzabi, Managing Director of National Commercial Bank (NCB)
National Commercial Bank expects 5 to 10% growth of the Libyan banking sector in 2013/2014. As a part of their strategy, National Commercial Bank plans to establish a financial leasing company that will merge the traditional commercial side with the Islamic one, and an IT company. The Bank’s vision is to be the market leader in terms of transparency, quality and quantity of products. The MD is sure the National Commercial Bank will differentiate from other Libyan banks in terms of services and transparency during 2014/2015.

Portrait of Libyan Businessman: The Interview with Mohamed Raied

Mohamed Raied, Chairman of Al-Naseem Food Industries
“Everyone knows it was difficult for 40 years, especially difficult for the private sector in Libya. I had started with a food stuff trade in 1989 on a small scale with one shop in Misrata, then had an ice cream factory in 1993 and first I had only a basic ice cream machine that would produce 2,000 pieces/cups,” recalls Mohamed Raied. Today, Al Naseem is trying to be number one in Libya in producing dairy products.

Libyan Investments: Latest Analysis of Investments in Libya

Khaled Al Bakory, CEO of Privatization and Investment Board (PIB)
Most of companies from all over the world are concentrating on investments in the oil sector of Libya. However, the country has, according to Al Bakory, other attractive investment opportunities, particularly in the health and transportation sector. The aim of Privatization & Investment Board of Libya has been to attract variety of investment projects, including tourism and transportation.

Construction in Libya: Exclusive interview with Libyan Businessman Ahmed Maiteeg

Ahmed Maiteeg, General Manager of Thobacts Hotel and Managing Director of DAA Construction & Engineeringg
Ahmed Maiteeg is a successful Libyan businessman. The main advantage of the company’s hotels in Tripoli is the staff; they are very friendly and kind and they treat people as though they were guests in their own homes. The group focuses on business hospitability and provides excellent services for business travellers to Tripoli. Apart from the hospitability, Mr Maiteeg is also involved in the construction sector in Libya with the construction company DAA Construction & Engineering.

Exclusive interview with the leading hotel in Libya: Al Waddan Hotel Tripoli

Anas M. Tarsin, General Manager of Al Waddan Hotel Tripoli
Guests at Al Waddan Hotel in Tripoli love the serenity of the hotel. Sitting in the open space of the coffee shop is reminiscent of the old houses of Tripoli. The hotel is a little more exclusive and private, yet still located in the bustling district of Dahra, less than 0.5km from Algeria Square or Martyr Square. Al Waddan is a luxury boutique hotel which pays attention to detail and to the customer, attending to their business and leisure needs.

LAFICO: Transparency and independence of Libyan foreign investments

Khaled Amr Algonsel, Managing Director of LAFICO (Libyan Foreign Investment Company)
LAFICO channels their investment into many countries around the world and it is diversified in many sectors, such as holding companies, real estate companies, agriculture, mining, and even services. LAFICO has invested in over 30 countries around the world; around 9% is located in North Africa, 9% in England, and the rest dispersed around the world. LAFICO is bound to cooperate with international firms who will help the them to restructure their portfolio and to exit some unsuccessful investments. LAFICO has been a profitable company ever since it was established and the aim is to continue this trend.

LTT Libya: Increasing coverage and improving internet services in Libya

Husam Abulhul, CEO of LTT (Libya Telecom & Technology)
LTT has set up internet services in areas of the country that didn’t use to have them before; the company is increasing bandwidth and providing improved services. LTT is also trying to balance all their services between all the cities as previously everything was based in Tripoli. The company aims to move forward and satisfy the customers’ demands and increase the internet penetration in Libya.

Libyan Ministry of Transportation: New deals for ports, airports, railways and road projects

Abdel-Qader Mohamed Ahmed Al-Ayib, Minister of Transportation of Libya
The infrastructure in Libya has been damaged in all areas during the revolution or during the pre-revolution period and all the projects have been detained, so the Ministry of Transport of Libya has to take on a huge reconstruction of the infrastructure in Libya. ADPI (Aeroports de Paris) have started their project for the Tripoli International Airport and a Canadian Lavalin is going to build the new Benina International Airport in Benghazi.

GDCOL plans to increase Libya’s desalination capacity by building more desalination plants

Abdulmonem Ali Elhassadi, Chairman of General Desalination Company of Libya (GDCOL)
GDCOL currently provides less than 20% of the water supply in Libya as the main resource in the country is the Man-Made River. Mr Elhassadi hopes that Libya will concentrate on desalination rather than ground water in the future to come. The strategy of GDCOL is to have a desalination river; if there is a desalination plant at almost every 50km or every 100km, then they can connect them all and thus create a desalination river, a dream of Mr Elhassadi.

Misurata Free Zone: One of the Top Locations for Foreign Investors in Libya

Jamal A El-Ghirani, Investment General Manager of Misurata Free Zone
Misurata seems to be the most stable place and the most secure city at the moment. Misurata Free Zone as a company employs approximately 1,223 people. There are many investors on the ground in the free zone. The bottom line is that the free zone is trying to and has created a lot of job opportunities for Libyan youth; within 20 years there should be up to 80,000 job opportunities. The Misurata Free Zone receives business delegations all the time; ambassadors from foreign governments visit the zone on a frequent basis.

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