Lebanon: Balance of Payments

The balance of payment deficit stood at 373 million in the first quarter of 2012. H.E. Nicolas Nahas, Minister of Economy and Trade talks about the balance of payments in Lebanon.

The interview with H.E. Nicolas Nahas, Minister of Economy and Trade of Lebanon, took place on May 14, 2012 (prior to the clashes in Tripoli).

The balance of payment deficit stood at 373 million in the first quarter of 2012. H.E. Nicolas Nahas, Minister of Economy and Trade talks about the balance of payments in Lebanon.

Mr. Nahas adds: “I´m confident that by the end of the year the balance of payment will be back to positive … and the most important element in that is also the transparency and strict adoption by our banks of the Basel III agreement, because that will give more confidence back to the investor, and our banks are surviving very well the whole drama which we are living around us.”

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