Joy Industries: Leading Producer of Alcoholic Drinks with Medicinal Herbs in Ghana

Harrison Tetteh explains what makes Joy Industries’ products different and presents Joy Dadi Bitters, Joy Twedee Ginger and Sokoo Alcoholic Drink, the company’s most famous alcoholic beverages infused with medicinal herbs.

Interview with Harrison Tetteh, Deputy CEO of Joy Industries

Harrison Tetteh, Deputy CEO of Joy Industries

What makes Joy Industries’ products different?

Joy Industries is a consumer centered industry in that we listen to our consumers because they are the ones that purchase our products when they come out on the market. We do not just produce, we do what the customers want. When we introduced our first product, which was Joy Dadi Bitters, we saw that it was bitter and there were a lot of people who did not want bitter things. That is why sometimes we cocktail it, we add lime or coke to it. Some people even add water to it because we have people that do not want hard liquor. Because of that, we also brought out Joy Twedee Ginger which has a ginger flavor. This does not mean we use ginger flavor, we use natural ginger. We introduced that to the people because as Ghanaians, we like things which are hot and ginger has a heat to it even when you chew it. When we go to our top bars and restaurants, you see after ordering our fufu we ask them to grind a little ginger for us to add to the soup to make it a little hot for us. When you get a little shot and you take it, you are not as full. After that, we saw that we have people too who do not want hot things either. So, we introduced Sokoo Alcoholic Drink. It is not bitter and not hot, it is cool and the alcohol percentage is low so it is easy to drink for everyone. Even when you cocktail it, it tastes like a sweet wine. When you drink it raw, you feel the herbal medicinal plants that we use alongside the taste of sweet wine. It is something that we researched well to bring to the people. One benefit is that its herbs give you good circulation. When you have good circulation, you are always fit and as a man, you have erections. The best products in the world come from Joy Industries. I urge everybody when you want bitters, go to Joy products. This does not mean you should not have any other alcoholic drinks. We have those with flavor, color and ethanol which is blended together, but we have added value to our drinks in the medicinal herbs. With alcohol itself, drinking it too much is not good for human health. Because of that, we have added medicinal herbs to it. With the effects of alcohol, the medicinal properties in Joy drinks will revive you and give you strength so you will not get headaches or hangovers or facial flushing. It never happens with our product. We have the best bitters in the world for everyone.


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