Health and Pharma: Khushboo Vadodaria Presents Rene Industries’ Current Projects

Khushboo Vadodaria, Operations Director at Rene Industries Limited, a leading company in the health and pharma sector in Uganda, presents the company’s current projects.

Khushboo Vadodaria, Operations Director at Rene Industries Limited, a leading company in the health and pharma sector in Uganda, presents the company’s current projects.

“We are continuing to expand the industry to accommodate for new machinery in the compression and packaging lines. We recently opened up a new warehouse for raw materials. Storage is an issue because as our volumes grow, we require more space for storage. We are introducing several new products including antimalarials and steroids. In the pipeline, we have some cardiovascular drugs because Uganda is seeing an increase in cardiovascular diseases and lifestyle diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. So, Rene Industries is increasing more products in those specific therapeutic classes”, says Khushboo Vadodaria.


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