Ghana’s Solar Energy Projects Require International Cooperation

“At the moment we have a licence to generate 5 megawatts but because the right policies are not in place, we are not able to generate,” says Omane Frimpong, CEO of Wilkins Engineering, Ghana’s world-class engineering company.

“At the moment we have a licence to generate 5 megawatts but because the right policies are not in place, we are not able to generate,” says Omane Frimpong, CEO of Wilkins Engineering, Ghana’s world-class engineering company.

“Of course we have international partners like Elecnor from Spain, to generate these 5 megawatts. At the same time the president has also initiated a project to provide 200,000 systems, this is quite a big project that we are also interested in participating in and we will need international collaboration for that.”

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