Fighting “No Bed” Syndrome in Ghana’s Hospitals – Nyaho Dove Foundation

Alleviating the “No bed” burden in Ghana’s hospitals – Nyaho Dove Foundation lends a hand and donates 28 hospital beds and bedside cabinets to two hospitals in the Upper East Region.

Fighting “No Bed” Syndrome in Ghana’s Hospitals - Nyaho Dove Foundation

Accra, September 2018

The chronic shortage of hospital beds is commonplace in many of Ghana’s publicly funded hospitals and in Accra which is the nation’s capital, the statistics are worrying –  3,400 beds are available for a population of 5million people.

The Nyaho Dove Foundation which is the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of Ghana’s healthcare leader Nyaho Medical Center recognizes that this situation could be remarkably worse in regions farther up country where access to quality health is inconsistent and a challenge.

In demonstration of its commitment to offer to the broader Ghanaian society a share of the quality care delivered at Nyaho Medical Centre in Accra, the Dove Foundation donated 28 hospital beds and bedside cabinets to two hospitals in the Upper East Region.

The donation to the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital and the Nanumba District Hospital was also intended to motivate staff who handle high patient numbers with limited resources.

Receiving the items, representatives from both hospitals mentioned that the items will positively impact on the level of care and boost the moral of care givers knowing that their hard work has been recognized by a sister-hospital.

The team at the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital testifies that nursing care has improved to a large extent with the additional beds and cabinets received.

This is not the first time the Dove Foundation has donated to a sister-hospital. In 2015 a donation of critical care items was made to the Tamaklo Ward of the 37 Military Hospital to cater for burn victims of Ghana’s June 3rd fire disaster.


About Nyaho Medical Centre:
Interview with Dr. Elikem Tamaklo, Managing Director of Nyaho Medical Centre: Ghana’s Healthcare Leader Nyaho Medical Center is Opening First Satellite Clinic in Accra

Among others, Dr. Tamaklo highlighted Nyaho’s persistent approached focused on Nyaho patients and their families:
Our vision really is to be Africa’s most trusted name in healthcare, which is extremely ambitious but we believe that it is possible as trust is really about the human connection and the ability to meet the need at the time. Our objective is to build trust between our patients and the Nyaho healthcare system by ensuring that we consistently deliver care at an international standard of care such that Ghanaians need not go to countries such as India, the USA and the UK for quality healthcare at a significant cost. At the core of our mission is a desire to transform lives by surpassing expectations in healthcare by leveraging innovative solutions, a disciplined approach and a focus on the needs of our patients and their families.


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