Egypt is looking for investors in real estate, industry, agriculture and tourism

“We would like to see modifications of the rules for getting licenses and improvement of the investment conditions for both foreign investors and Egyptian investors,” clarified Eng. Darwish Ahmed Hassanin, CEO of Saudi Egyptian Construction Company (SECON).


Saudi Egyptian Construction Company (SECON) was established in 1975 by the Saudi and the Egyptian governments and has been involved in real estate and tourism investments in Egypt.

“We would like to see modifications of the rules for getting licenses and improvement of the investment conditions for both foreign investors and Egyptian investors,” clarified Eng. Darwish Ahmed Hassanin, CEO of SECON.

This is one of the main proposals and intentions of the new president and government. Thus, we hope to have additional facilities for foreign and local investors that take into consideration both the government’s and the investor’s rights according to the agreements signed. It is very important to protect these agreements. We need investors who will not be the sole beneficiaries of their investment; we need investments that will also benefit the country and the government.

We are looking for investors in real estate, industry, agriculture, and tourism.


Interview with SECON: Real estate investments in Egypt | The Saudi Egyptian Construction Company

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