Doing business in Jeddah

Seifallah M. Sharbatly, deputy general manager of Mohammed Abdallah Sharbatly talks about doing business in Jeddah.

Seifallah M. Sharbatly, deputy general manager of Mohammed Abdallah Sharbatly talks about doing business in Jeddah.

He says, “Jeddah is different because it’s been a trade port for more than 1,400 years. Our existence depends on trade, and we were the hub between the east and west. The people in Jeddah are more open and hospitable because trading was their job for hundreds of years. It’s much easier to penetrate society in Jeddah and become one of the people there.”

Sharbatly is one of the leading family business in Saudi Arabia. Read more about the family at the end of the interview – Agriculture: Saudi Arabia not suitable for agriculture due to lack of water


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