Saudi Arabia ICT

List of all articles filed under “saudi-arabia-ict” category.

Executive Profile: Mohammed Geoffrey, Chairman and CEO of Saudi-Based Software Development Company Indorse Services

Mohammed Geoffrey is a senior IT professional with 37 years of experience in managing software development and commercialization. He is currently Chairman and CEO at Indorse Services, a Saudi-based company which aims at improving cybersecurity through IndorseSign, an advanced digital transactions, content management and process management platform.

Nournet is building one of the top data centres in Saudi Arabia

Over the past couple of years the words “data centre” have begun to permeate the general lexicon and particularly after the mass adoption of mobile devices the general public has been introduced to the terminology, and given some idea of the purpose they serve, but let us start by defining what a data centre is and how businesses and individuals are serviced by them.

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