Lebanon Sectors

List of all articles filed under “lebanon-sectors” category.

Best Business and Conference Hotel in the Middle East

Keeping in mind the heritage of the hotel, our multi million dollar refurbishment as well as our room inventory of close to 5oo rooms, we aim to remain The flagship/Landmark hotel in Beirut and in Lebanon tourism sector, being the preferred venue for business travelers, the ideal partner for MICE business and of course the ideal hotel for city leisure travelers looking for Lebanon tourism . Historically Beirut was the banking center and gateway to the Middle East.

Natural Wines in Lebanon

The appeal of our wine is exactly what you have just said: natural products.  Our vineyards are certified organic; the grapes come to the winery and the whole process is completely natural without any additions of whatever products you could imagine except for very low levels of sulfites.

Lebanon Education: Business School in Lebanon

ESA was created in 1996 by the French and Lebanese governments to create a new model of education in the field of management and business, on the French model.  The two governments called for the Chamber of Commerce of Paris to come here to Lebanon to create and develop this new management school.  That’s the root of ESA.  It was created to be very close to the business world and companies, and has always kept this very close link to the business community.

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