Ghana Healthcare & Education

List of all articles filed under “ghana-healthcare” category.

DPSI Ghana: Discussing Academic Excellence with Teacher Shadrach Quainoo and Students Shriman Jha and Raj Thakwani

Teacher Shadrach Quainoo and Students Shriman Jha and Raj Thakwani of DPS International Ghana discuss academic excellence, and share their personal experience as members of the teaching body and students at the school. DPSI was commenced in the year 2010 aiming for quality education and excellent learning, providing holistic, modern, comprehensive, technology-driven classes right from Creche to A Level.

Business Leader Mukesh Thakwani of B5 Plus Discusses Steel, Healthcare and Education in Ghana

Mukesh Thakwani shares his plans and vision for B5 Plus, the leading steel manufacturing company in Ghana and West Africa, and talks about his commitment to make the ‘Made in Ghana’ dream come true. He also talks about his will to focus on the healthcare sector and build the best hospital in Ghana, as well as the importance of good education, giving an overview of the DPSI school.

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