Banking Sector in Bahrain: Main Strengths

Abdul Karim Ahmed Bucheery, Chief Executive of BBK Bahrain, makes an interesting and moving case for the strength of the banking sector in Bahrain. Despite challenges Bahrain has a stable banking system; a claim which Bucheery supports with real examples.

There has not been a mass exodus from Bahrain’s banking sector despite the decrease in assets last November. What is the reason for this?

Abdul Karim Ahmed Bucheery, Chief Executive of BBK Bahrain, makes an interesting and moving case for the strength of the banking sector in Bahrain.

 Despite challenges Bahrain has a stable banking system; a claim which Bucheery supports with real examples.

“Despite the crisis banks are still sticking to Bahrain and if you think about the reason for this, Bahrain is situated almost exactly in the middle between the richest oil field in the world and the richest gas field in the world,” he says.

“As well the regulation of the country is the second reason why banks are sticking to Bahrain. Third is the abundance of human resources – talented, skillful bankers. Fourth, and a very important reason, is the affordability of the cost of living. Bahrain is still much cheaper to conduct business in than many of its neighbors,” continues Bucheery.



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