Attracting 13 million visitors in 2016 and being Asia’s top ten airport management companies in Indonesia

Asroni, SE, Marketing and Business Development Director of Angkasa Pura talks about attracting 13 million visitors in 2016 and being Asia’s top ten airport management companies in Indonesia.

Asroni, SE, Marketing and Business Development Director of Angkasa Pura talks about attracting 13 million visitors in 2016 and being Asia’s top ten airport management companies in Indonesia.

What is the communications campaign that you have put in place to achieve your goal of being one of Asia’s 10 best airport management companies?

As stated in the company’s vision, is security, safety, services and compliant. It has been complied to regulation. Meanwhile, the company is now focusing on also increasing non-aeronautical revenue, increasing customer satisfaction index, and increasing corporate social responsibility. The company believes by keeping Angkasa Pura airports on track, it will keep its position to be one of Asia’s 10 best airport management companies.

Is JDK now a competitor in the local market?

No, Angkasa Pura and JDK are partners to push Bali airport performance.

Do you think JDK helps to make Angkasa Pura more competitive?

JDK has success stories in Mumbai, Bangalore. Angkasa Pura expects them to help increasing [airport performance?] through their expertise combined with Angkasa’s local expertise. JDK as a consultant has been very helpful by providing some services regarding commercial and operation development in Bali. And now you can see the result.

Why is Angkasa Pura wanting to achieve this goal of over 13 million visitors in 2016?

And 20 million in 2019. Recently, the company has a program called Collaborative Destination Development, CDD. Through this program, the company presents every airport stakeholder and asks how to enhance this business together, especially in terms of tourism percentages and revenue. In airport marketing this collaboration between airport, airline and destination. Destination means government and also tourism stakeholder. 70 percent of visitors come to Indonesia by plane. By taking this opportunity and teaming up to increase number of visitors possible, both companies could make something big.

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