Airport sector in Indonesia: overview and outlook

Asroni, SE, Marketing and Business Development Director of Angkasa Pura talks about the airport sector in Indonesia.

Asroni, SE, Marketing and Business Development Director of Angkasa Pura talks about the airport sector in Indonesia.

Could you give a realistic overview of the airport sector today?

The airport is a multi-functional place when you talk about public service, and also as commercial service. As a public service, an airport should be fulfilling the needs of customers. Airports service two kinds of customers. Firstly, persons who travel, and second is airlines who do their business. That is all relative.The life of airport also depend on the life of where it belongs, meaning the environment around, also to the minds, the characteristic of an airport, where it is tourism or business.

What is the expected growth in terms of revenue when the new developments are all finalized?

Angkasa Pura expects to increase significantly in revenue by expanding existing airports and developing the new one. Expanding capacity means increasing number of flight. Developing the new one means we have wider space to rise up revenue, new business in non-aeronautical.  The Indonesian market is just as attractive and has high potential as a country for almost any products.

Has this already been achieved?

Yes. It was reported by ACI, Airports Council International, that Bali airport and Juanda International Airport, Surabaya were announced to be in the top 10 best airports in the world.  It is for 15 up to 25 million per annum. Bali achieved two prestigious award as the most improved airport in 2015, and as the third best airport in the world in its class. We are optimistic Angkasa Pura airport will be a world class airport.

Can you give some information on airports development in the coming years?

Airports have a key role to support the development of the country. The development of the airport has significant impact on the people surrounding the airport, which will also drive the economic growth of its country. Angkasa Pura is happy and ready to take part to grow in the country by developing world class airports in Indonesia.

What should we expect to see in the coming years and months happening in this sector?

An upcoming project for Angkasa Pura is making a new terminal for Yogyakarta airports in Kulon Progo, around 60 kilometres away from Yogyakarta. The plan is to develop the infrastructure of Lombok International Airport, and also develop Sam Ratulangi International Airport, Manado, Pattimura International Airport, Ambon, and Frans Kaisiepo International Airport at Biak through strategic partnership.

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