Ahmed Hamouda Presents Tarboul: The First Industrial City in Egypt to be LEED Certified

Ahmed Hamouda, Senior Investment Officer at GV Developments, explains how Tarboul – the industrial, sustainable and livable city made in Egypt – fits within the COP 27 pledge of a sustainable economic model.

Ahmed Hamouda, Senior Investment Officer at GV Developments, explains how Tarboul – the industrial, sustainable and livable city made in Egypt – fits within the COP 27 pledge of a sustainable economic model.

“The business model or idea behind Tarboul is that you can divide every investor into two tiers. For example, if I have an investor that will come and invest in doing the factories, another investor will come in and invest in doing the infrastructure that will provide electricity, IT, network services, etc., and I will have another investor that will invest in the commercial areas, the real estate areas, the administrative areas. So, if the factory owner wants to store his products, he will store it in the warehouses produced by the warehouse investor. If he wants to manage his business, he will manage it from the administrative area. He can even show his products in the commercial outlets. It is a cycle. It is very integrated. In order for one side to work, all of them need to work together to make the model successful. In addition to this, it is livable because in Egypt we have industrial parks, but people live within the factories. It is very hard to live that way. At Tarboul, we have separated the residential areas apart from the factories in the master plan in an environmentally friendly way. So, they can live near the factory where they work which will help in better production because the workers will have a better mindset, a better atmosphere for work. Also, they will have schools, hospitals, research centers, sports clubs, so they will be able live their normal life within the city. Tarboul will be a smart city with a smart infrastructure and smart planning. It will be a closed gate network in terms of ICT services and network providers. We are going to be the first industrial city in Egypt to be LEED certified”, says Ahmed Hamouda.


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