Hudson: Advisory Services, Corporate Investment Banking and Asset Management

Kadi Fadika-Coulibaly mentions some of the reasons why Hudson & Cie is different compared to other companies in the sector.

Kadi Fadika-Coulibaly mentions some of the reasons why Hudson & Cie is different compared to other companies in the sector.

“For the past 20 years, Hudson has been providing services to regional clients, but more so to international clients. Internally, we made our services up to international standards. We are able to attract investors that would like to invest into the region and Ivory Coast by offering services up to their standards. Now, we are doing the reverse. We are offering those services and expertise that we developed to regional and local investors. We are a private company. We are not linked to any network. We have a partnership system with our co-workers that helps us to bring the best service we can, and everybody is working towards the same direction for greater service for our clients”, says Kadi Fadika-Coulibaly, Managing Partner at Hudson & Cie.

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