Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons: Strategy and Growth for 2013-2014

Mona Almoayyed, Managing Director of Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons, talks about the business strategy for 2013 and shares some important figures.

Mona Almoayyed, Managing Director of Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons, talks about the business strategy for 2013 and shares some important figures.

“We have some businesses outside of Bahrain and we are trying to develop those businesses. We have some in Dubai, Qatar and Oman and we are looking at Saudi Arabia as well. So we are diverting some resources out of Bahrain but we are expanding in Bahrain as well with the ministry housing. We are bidding for some of this housing. We are quite optimistic and are trying to increase our Bahrainization wherever possible. We have looked at our HR policies on how to train Bahrainis, how to motivate them and wherever possible put a Bahraini under a non-Bahraini to be trained in that job. So I’m very optimistic. As of today, 30% of our employees are Bahraini which is much more than any gulf state,” she explains.

As for the growth of Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons, Almoayyed predicts a 10% increase for 2013 on the backdrop of renewed confidence and business activity.




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