Tourism in Osu – Accra – Opening of Royal Museum in Osu

“The second priority is tourism because from my research we have found that tourism cuts across every field. If you want people to visit your community you have to keep your community clean, you have to have places of convenience that people can access, you have to make sure your people know the history of your community, and you have to learn and be able to work as tour guides.”

“The second priority is tourism because from my research we have found that tourism cuts across every field. If you want people to visit your community you have to keep your community clean, you have to have places of convenience that people can access, you have to make sure your people know the history of your community, and you have to learn and be able to work as tour guides.”

“People have to be friendly because if we want this to be a tourist attraction we need to educate the people so that each and every person coming here knows that they can approach someone for directions and information. Additionally, we have a lot of ancestral spots and tourist attractions spots which have not been packaged well. We have identified those places and we are trying to package them and find out a lot of history about them. We want to put that up on a website so that people can see what there is in our area. We are also thinking about having a tourism office in the Palace so everyone who comes here can get all the information. We also have a lot of artefacts from our departed chiefs, the items they used, their drums, looms etc. Currently we are trying to set up a museum, it is nearly completed actually, it will be the Royal Museum and it will house these things and it will offer a brief history of our culture,” says H.M. DF. Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI, Osu Mantse, President of Osu Traditional Council, President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, and Member of the National House of Chiefs.

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