Top Investment Institutions in Ethiopia

Top Investment Institutions in Ethiopia
 Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations
Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (AACCSA) is one of the well-organized institutions that in one way or another work on promoting the investments and improving the overall investment climate in Ethiopia.
 Ethiopian Privatization Agency
This Agency is an autonomous government office which is entrusted with the tasks of privatizing, supervising, guiding, supporting and controlling state-owned enterprises to render them competitive and profitable and thereby enabling them to play significant roles in the implementation of the country’s Growth and development Strategy.
 Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA)
The Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA) is a government agency established in 1992 to promote private investment, primarily foreign direct investment. The overall activities of the Agency is supervised and followed up by an Investment Board, which is chaired by the Minister of Industry. The EIA is headed by a director general who is also a member of the Board and two deputy director generals.

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