Top Cement Companies in Saudi Arabia is ranking the top cement companies in Saudi Arabia according to their market value. Non-listed companies are not included in the ranking. These largest cement companies represent almost 5.4% of the stock market.

Saudi Arabia’s
Largest Cement Companies is ranking the top cement companies in Saudi Arabia according to their market value. Non-listed companies are not included in the ranking. These largest cement companies represent almost 5.4% of the stock market.
A report by Al Rajhi Capital issued in 2012 predicted that the cement production in the kingdom will reach more than 66m tonnes per year by 2015, which is an increase from 47m tonne in 2012. Saudi Arabia remains the cheapest place to produce cement due to low energy costs.
The List
Rank | Company | Country | Industry | Market Value ($ bil) | Revenues ($ bil) |
Description |
1 |
Saudi Cement |
Saudi Arabia | Cement and Construction | 3.9 | 0.587 | Saudi Cement: is a Saudi Joint Stock Company established in 1955 topped the non-metallic mineral companies with 3.9 B$ market value and 587.5 M$ revenues. |
2 | Saudi Arabia | Cement and Construction | 3.7 | 0.481 | Southern Cement: established by royal decree number M/3 dated 22/01/1978 as share holding company Ranked second in the list with 3.7 B$ market value and 481.4 M$ revenues. | |
3 | Saudi Arabia | Cement and Construction | 2.6 | 0.420 | YSCC: Its products started in 1386 ah Ranked Third in the list with 2.6 B $ market value and 420.2 M$ revenues. | |
4 | Saudi Arabia | Cement and Construction | 2.2 | 0.399 | Yanbu Cement: YCC was established in 1977 and started its operations in 1979. | |
5 | Saudi Arabia | Cement and Construction | 1.1 | 0.365 | Arabia cement: Public Company based in Jeddah founded in 1955. | |
6 | Saudi Arabia | Cement and Construction |