
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Kuwait Logistics Market in 2017 – 26th Top Emerging Logistics Market Globally

“The Index is a relative comparison of different countries based on objective matrices and indices. With respect to Kuwait, when comparing the country to much larger markets like China and India, Kuwait is at a disadvantage given that it is a smaller market. Larger economies will have more interest as logistics destinations,” says Tarek Sultan, Vice Chairman and CEO of Agility.

Kuwait’s Banking Sector in 2017 – Overview and Forecasts by Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK)

“At the beginning of 2016, the management predicted that it would be a tough year. We knew it would be very difficult for us to achieve our targets. Our budget would have to be conservative. We have been watching the figures every month and every quarter, as well as the developments in the sector. 2016 was a very good year for us,” says Elham Mahfouz, CEO of Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK).

Kuwait Economy in 2017 – Overview and Forecasts by KAMCO

“The economy here is highly dependent on oil, oil production, and oil prices, and it has a high correlation with the energy markets. We expect the Kuwait economy to grow between 2.5 to 3 percent, this year. But, it must be examined in the overall international context. The world economy is expected to grow at around 3 to 4 percent,” says Faisal Hasan, Chief Business Development Officer and Head of Investment Research Department at KAMCO.

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development: Projects, Highlights, and Changes

“55 years is a long time. So if you look at it from the beginning, we started with Arab countries and then moved on to non-Arab countries in Africa and Asia. You know what happened with the Arab Spring in different countries such as Syria, amongst others, where Kuwait Fund started with developmental aid, particularly in terms of building physical projects to enhance the economies of countries that we support,” says Abdulwahab Al-Bader, Director General of Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

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