Sollatek leading the solar power and power control sector in Kenya maintaining top position
Saleem Abdulla, Managing Director of Sollatek Electronics talks about the company and the market leadership.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07
Saleem Abdulla, Managing Director of Sollatek Electronics talks about the company and the market leadership.
Saleem Abdulla, Managing Director of Sollatek Electronics talks about the World Bank’s ‘Lighting Africa’ programme.
In this exclusive interview, Magdalene Mkocha, the Acting Executive Director of Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, gives an overview of the tanzanian economy and discusses the role of TCCIA.
The WFP (World Food Programme) is a voluntarily funded part of the United Nations system. The WFP aims to ensure that every human being in the world has access to food at all times for an active and healthy life.
Superfoam has always had its roots in technological advances and has the commitment to invest and develop the best Manufacturing equipment and processes.
Saleem Abdulla speaks about Sollatek Electronicss, company operating as a wholesale and distribution outfit in power sector.
Rogério Manuel, Presidente da CTA, a Confederação das Associações Económicas de Moçambique, explica qual é sua visão para o futuro do sector privado em Moçambique nos próximos 2-3 anos.
John Kachamila, Chairman of PCD (Portos de Cabo Delgado) and Former Minister of Environmental Affairs, talks about the importance of agriculture and energy for the future of Mozambique.
João Das Neves, Chairman of Zero Investimentos, talks about Autogás, which offers interesting investment opportunities in the natural gas sector in Mozambique.
“There are also other products that are being imported from abroad that are of low quality materials and will need annual maintenance and that have a very short lifespan. This is an important issue for us because at the end of the day it will damage the reputation of solar energy in Jordan,” explains Samer Hanania, Deputy General Manager of Hanania Energy.