Development of Mozambique: Focus on Agriculture and Energy

John Kachamila, Chairman of PCD (Portos de Cabo Delgado) and Former Minister of Environmental Affairs, talks about the importance of agriculture and energy for the future of Mozambique.

John Kachamila, Chairman of PCD (Portos de Cabo Delgado) and Former Minister of Environmental Affairs, talks about the importance of agriculture and energy for the future of Mozambique.

“Mineral resources are not solely important to us, and we believe that agriculture is in fact the most important sector. Still, we are currently lucky that at least 70% of the population still lives in the countryside, and that’s where we can promote agriculture, feed people and develop the country”, says John Kachamila.

“We are also trying to use gas ourselves, which will have a major environmental impact. We are among the countries in the region where drought does occur. This year was one of our worst years, and we don’t expect this to improve in the future. As such, using alternative sources of energy is very important to us. We have the resources, but we need to develop them in such a way that the population can benefit from them”, he adds.

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