Tanzania Tourism

List of all articles filed under “tanzania-tourism” category.

Aviation and Tourism Industry in Tanzania: General Manager Jameel Kassam Presents Flightlink Airline

Jameel Kassam talks about the impacts of COVID-19 on the aviation and tourism industry in Tanzania and presents Flightlink airline. He also mentions some of the challenges to be faced by the airline industry and the tourism sector, mentions some of Flightlink’s success stories, and shares his personal ambition and vision for the airline for the medium term.

Tourism Industry in Tanzania: Moustafa Khataw Gives An Overview of Travel Management Company Skylink Group

Moustafa Khataw discusses the impact of COVID on the tourism industry in Tanzania and gives an overview of Skylink Group, the only ISO 39001 2015 certified travel management company in the country. Skylink won the World Travel Awards for the fourth year in 2020, reinforcing the confidence that clients will be provided quality service at all times when they book a safari, air travel, or car rental.

Tanzania Aviation Sector: Precision Air, The First IOSA Certified Airline in Tanzania

Patrick Mwanri gives an overview of the aviation sector in Tanzania and presents Precision Air. The airline was established in 1993 and started as a private charter air transport company. Its initial line of business mainly entailed providing connections to tourists visiting the rich natural attractions of Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Zanzibar Island and other parts of the country.

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