
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

Midroc Group: Helping Ethiopia develop into a middle income country

Jemal Ahmed, Chairman of Horizon Company (Midroc Group Ethiopia)
Midroc Group started about twenty years ago when there was no foreign investment in Ethiopia. Sheik Mohammed Al Amoudi’s committed to Ethiopia to trigger the development and create job opportunities. Midroc is today involved in numerous sectors of Ethiopian economy…

Healthcare Sector in Iraqi Kurdistan Recording Double Digit Growth

A revival of the health care sector in Iraqi Kurdistan happened 6 or 7 years ago. Healthcare facilities in Erbil, including private hospitals, experienced an increased demand as, due to security concerns in Iraq, more and more patients from different regions of Iraq started to come for treatment. In that time, Zozik Group opened its Soran Hospital. At present, Soran Hospital has 50 beds, 6 operation rooms, an IVF section, and all the other specializations except for the open heart operations and brain surgeries.

Doing Business in Bahrain: Cautious Optimism About 2013-2014 Grows

Fawzi Ahmed Kanoo, Deputy Chairman of Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo
Today, we have about 6,000 people working for us Gulf-wide and about 700 people in Bahrain. We have seen the first two months of the year as encouraging and even though in January business is normally down we have seen encouraging results. So I personally believe we are on the right track and that we will have a good year in 2013.

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