SNDI: Exporting IT Expertise Throughout Francophone Africa

Nongolougo Soro, CEO of SNDI, talks about exporting expertise and know-how to other French speaking African countries.

Nongolougo Soro, CEO of SNDI (Société Nationale de Développement Informatique), talks about exporting expertise and know-how to other French speaking African countries.

“We have exported our expertise to several French speaking African countries, mainly in West Africa. Firstly, we have exported the integrated public financial management applications (SIGFIP) to Togo, Benin, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. Secondly, we have also exported our IT consulting expertise to other countries such as Mali, Burkina-Faso, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. Last year, we have deployed for the Government of Togo a nationwide IT network based on satellite VSAT infrastructure that currently allows the use of public financial management application SIGFIP in 17 cities”, explains Nongolougo Soro.

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