Top IT Services and Products Providers in Ghana has compiled a list of the top 5 IT services and products companies in Ghana. In Ghana, technology is booming and connectivity, be it telephony or Internet, is the most-talked about issue in the country, where innovation is growing at a faster rate.

Top IT Companies in Ghana
Top 5 IT Services and Products Companies in Ghana has compiled a list of the top 5 IT services and products companies in Ghana.
In Ghana, technology is booming and connectivity, be it telephony or Internet, is the most-talked about issue in the country, where innovation is growing at a faster rate. Generally, information communication and technology (ICT) and the entire technology sub-sector in Ghana is too fluid such that it changes in the twinkle of an eye. That is not too strange, given that the country has a fairly youthful population whose taste for products and services in the sector backs the global trend.
Ghana’s latest national population census, conducted in 2013, revealed that close to 80 per cent of the over 27 million people are between the ages of 15 to 54 years, leaving the minority few in the economically dull age bracket. Given that young people tend to have more liking for ICT gadgets and their line of services more than the fairly elderly people, demand for ICT devices and related products and services in the country is continually on the rise. As a result, many institutions and individuals have setup businesses to provide services and/or retail products for the ever-increasing market. These businesses are dotted across the length and breadth of the country although majority of them are particularly centered in the urban and peri-urban areas, where demand for their services and products are particularly high.
The nature of products and services in Ghana’s ICT market also keep changing, as more innovation is introduced, virtually on daily basis to meet current trends. As a result of this increasing demand for services and products in the industry, many companies have set up to either import and distribute such products and/or innovate and provide services for the millions of businesses and individuals who have now shifted to ICT-engineered solutions to help solve their daily challenges.
Marcopolis has grouped the products and service providers in this segment of Ghana’s service space into three; ICT Products Companies, ICT Training Companies and ICT Service companies. It must, however, be mentioned that some of the companies have diversified their operations into almost all segments of the ICT market and could, therefore, be seen in more than one of the three categories.
Top 5 IT Services and Products Companies in Ghana
Operators in this category consist of a range of service providers, importers, distributors as well as exporters. They specialize in the provision of localized services and products for the teaming market as well as those in the West African sub region.
Rank | Company | Country | Sector | Description |
1 | Ghana | IT | The Intercom Programming & Manufacturing Company Limited), commonly called IPMC, is an Indian-based company that has been operating in Ghana since 1992. It is among the top five ICT companies in West Africa and rated number one in Ghana. With a workforce of over 600 employees and presence in 19 locations, IPMC prides itself of constantly branching out to cater to the increasing IT services needs of its clients, which ranges from small to large scale enterprises. In the West Africa sub region, the company says it has been able to fuel over 8,000 businesses with support from over 50 global suppliers. It was rated among the top 10 businesses in the Ghana Club (GC) 100, an association of distinct and most excelling businesses in the country, in 2012. IPMC has entered into long-term partnerships with the likes of HP, DELL, IBM, ACER, EMC, NETAPP, CISCO, MICROSOFT and other global IT vendors to import, wholesale and retail their products in Ghana. It also imports handsets for the Ghanaian market as well as leverages on its sophisticated IT infrastructure technologies to provide support services such as the provision of high end server, storage technologies, LAN/WAN setups and end user devices on a range of devices such as PCs, laptops, printers and UPS. IPMC is also the authorized service center for HP, IBM, DELL, ACER and EPSON in the sub region. |
2 | Ghana | IT | rlg is an indigenous company that is founded and currently headed by Roland Agambire, a native of the northern part of the country. The company is a member of the Agams Holdings, also owned by Roland Agambire — interview: AGAMS Holdings: Building A Legacy in African ICT Sector rlg currently engages in the production of communication equipment such as mobile handsets, electronic notebooks, tablets, laptops, LCD TV monitors and other accessories. It has since retailed millions of its handsets in and outside the country. With specific reference to the laptops, the company’s biggest buyer has always being the government of Ghana, which buys for onward distribution to students in the secondary and tertiary levels. rlg’s recent innovation in the tablet sector was the Uhuru, a tablet-PC that doubles as a laptop if used together. It can, however, be unplugged to become a complete tablet. The device received positive reviews globally, resulting high purchases locally. rlg was rated the second in the Ghana Club 100 in 2012 and has since its formation won several awards in and outside the country. It has over the years evolved to become a key entity in Ghana’s ICT industry and is now on its way to becoming a global ICT player. It currently has contact offices in Dubai, China, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya and The Gambia. |
3 | Ghana | IT | This is the Ghana unit of Chinese-based global ICT giant, Huawei. The company is into the production and importation of almost all kinds of ICT gadgets, including mobile handsets, computers and tablets, among others. It also designs software for use by public and private institutions throughout the country. Its products are particularly patronized by healthcare, public safety, education, energy, finance and manufacturing, among others. It also trains people in ICT and related fields. |
4 | Ghana | IT | This is a private company that manufactures and distributes a variety of I.T. products in Ghana and West Africa as a whole. The company currently prides itself as the first in its field to establish a factory that locally assembles computer cases, speakers, keyboards and mouse other than computer systems and notebooks in the whole of Africa. It was setup in 1986. Its Ghana office consists of the factory and the distribution unit, Omatek Ventures Distribution Limited (Ghana), which wholesales as well as retails the products assembled at the factory. Omatek’s product range include computers and accessories, notebooks, tablets, power products, DVD, plasma TVs, desktop computers and speakers. It also provides e-learning opportunities for a variety of people. Its Ghana office also headquarters the company’s West African operations. |
5 | Ghana | IT | This is one of the fairly new entrants to Ghana’s ICT industry but is making it big. The company assembles assorted types of ICT products, ranging from laptops, desktop computers, tablets, notebooks and mobile phones to their accessories for the Ghanaian market. The company also customizes some of its products for interested people and institutions. It is a Danish company that entered Ghana recently but has made a good name for itself due to the variety and quality of its products. |