Guinness Ghana Breweries

Guinness Ghana Breweries is a public limited liability company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) and listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The company is primarily involved in the manufacture and distribution of alcoholic (beer, stout and spirits) and non-alcoholic beverages and other ancillary products.

Guinness Ghana Breweries

#10 – Guinness Ghana Breweries

Sector: Beverages

Guinness Ghana Breweries is a public limited liability company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) and listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The company is primarily involved in the manufacture and distribution of alcoholic (beer, stout and spirits) and non-alcoholic beverages and other ancillary products. Guinness Ghana Breweries was established in 1960 and has since become the leading total beverage business in Ghana.

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