Expresso Carga e Serviços: Strategy and Partnership Opportunities

Jessy Sitoe, Executive Director of ECS (Expresso Carga e Serviços), talks about the company’s strategy and mentions partnership opportunities.

Jessy Sitoe, Executive Director of ECS (Expresso Carga e Serviços), talks about the company’s strategy and mentions partnership opportunities.

“There are many companies who want to distribute hospital equipment to areas that don’t even have roads yet, and since we don’t work only with big companies but also with small clients, we do that service. We reach these areas, therefore gaining our clients trust. We don’t aim only at big companies, but also to SME’s and small entrepreneurs, who also need this service”, says Jessy Sitoe.

“Nationally, in Southern Africa, we can reach most of the places, but internationally we need to create partnerships with other companies, in order for our company to be known abroad, helping us to grow. At the moment we are investing in promotion and sales, so, in two years, I would like to be connected nationally and internationally to other companies and countries. Maintaining this dynamic team that works as a family, as well as attain new partnerships”, she adds.

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