Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities and Heritage: International Cooperation

“We have good cooperation and collaborations with friends from all over the world. For example, we have about 200 missions in archaeological areas and 80% of them are from the Egyptian foreign mission,” says Mamdouh Al-Damaty, Minister of Antiquities and Heritage, Egypt.


“We have good cooperation and collaborations with friends from all over the world. For example, we have about 200 missions in archaeological areas and 80% of them are from the Egyptian foreign mission,” says Mamdouh Al-Damaty, Minister of Antiquities and Heritage, Egypt.

“One year ago, the Islamic Museum of Art was destroyed, and we are trying to reopen it after completing the restorations and renovations. Our Italian colleagues gave us money through UNESCO, and the larger museums, like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian Institute, offered the restorators training to work in the museum; this type of collaboration is not only with Americans, but everyone else – the Grand Egyptian Museum is in collaboration with the Japanese.”


Interviews with Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities and Heritage: Exclusive Interview with the Minister of Antiquities of Egypt

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