Saudi Arabia Innovation

List of all articles filed under “saudi-arabia-innovation” category.

Increased military spending to boost manufacturing and knowledge sectors creating advanced jobs and further diversifying Saudi economy

The top three largest defense spenders in the world are the US, Russia, and China. According to 2014 figures compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Saudi Arabia comes in as a close fourth, having spent an estimated $80.8 billion dollars up by 17% from 2013.

Zain – A Leading Telecom in Saudi Arabia – Standing out of the Connected Crowd

With a total population of approximately 30 million people, the oil state “is a very dynamic market,” Hassan Kabbani, the CEO of Zain KSA, told Marcopolis in an exclusive interview. “There is a very high level of mobile penetration, reaching more than 180%, and very high level of Smartphone penetration.” Such figures are rare in the emerging markets, but typical for the Gulf Arab oil states with its low population density, but huge distances between the different cities and villages.

AEC: A Leading Technology Company with ICT and Defense Capabilities

Advanced Electronics Company (AEC) was one of the companies created under the auspices of the Saudi Economic Offset Program, which originally started in the mid-1980s. The company focused on critical technologies and dedicated itself to defence electronics, later on spreading into other areas such as ICT and industry (power and energy).

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia: Fundamentals of Saudi Economy Are Extremely Strong

“If we look at all the fundamentals related to Saudi economy, I do think we have any other option but to be positive and optimistic about our future,” explains Dr. Ghassan Al-Shibl, President and CEO of AEC, who discusses the economy and doing business in Saudi Arabia in an exclusive interview.

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