Saudi Arabia Topics

List of all articles filed under “saudi-arabia-topics” category.

Allowing Private Sector to Start Renewable Energy Projects in Saudi Arabia

“I believe it is time for the private sector to step in and start privatising utilities. Why shouldn’t the private sector start their own power generation plants, where they can have their own utility generation units making 200 to 500 megawatts, which they sell to the government or to the electricity authority?,” asks Emad Al-Shamma, CEO of Al Khafrah Group Holding Co.

Challenges of Doing Business: Registering a Foreign Company in Saudi Arabia

“The challenge is the bureaucracy and legislation for establishing ventures in Saudi Arabia… it should take weeks, but instead it takes months. There is a big demand for industrial zones. MODON is working very hard to supply these areas, but still, the demand exceeds the supply,” says Emad Al-Shamma, CEO of Al Khafrah Group Holding Co.

AEC: A Leading Technology Company with ICT and Defense Capabilities

Advanced Electronics Company (AEC) was one of the companies created under the auspices of the Saudi Economic Offset Program, which originally started in the mid-1980s. The company focused on critical technologies and dedicated itself to defence electronics, later on spreading into other areas such as ICT and industry (power and energy).

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