Lebanon Education

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Top Universities in Lebanon

The roots of Lebanese education are very old and the powerful education system and institutions in Lebanon are famous not only regionally but globally. As an example can serve the Lebanese American University (LAU), which foundation dates back to the early 19th Century. Lebanon has been always well-known for its high quality institutions of higher education – universities. Therefore, as Dr. Joseph Jabbra, President of LAU, comments: “Parents have been known to say to their kids ‘money comes and goes’, ‘property comes and goes’, but there´s one thing that no one can take away from you and that´s education.” He also claims that Lebanon has always been the first; Lebanon has always had the cutting edge of education. One of the Lebanese education institutions which constantly seeks innovation is Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA), an elite university which offers superior postgraduate education.

AUB Lebanon

The commitment to education is old and time-tested in addition to producing several generations of leaders, especially from AUB.  We are a university of distinguished tradition and a great legacy for impacting the region by creating leaders for all sectors.  Certainly, AUB isn’t the only institution in the country that is successful.

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