Economy and Politics: John Kachamila Shares his Vision for Mozambique
Former Minister of Environmental Affairs John Kachamila talks about economy and politics and shares his vision for Mozambique.
List of all articles filed under “mozambique-economy” category.
Former Minister of Environmental Affairs John Kachamila talks about economy and politics and shares his vision for Mozambique.
John Kachamila, Chairman of PCD (Portos de Cabo Delgado) and Former Minister of Environmental Affairs, talks about the importance of agriculture and energy for the future of Mozambique.
Joaquim Tobias Dai, Executive Board Director of Exictos (member of Asseco Group), gives his outlook for the economy of Mozambique by the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, and mentions some of the challenges to be faced.
Joaquim Tobias Dai, Executive Board Director of Exictos, gives his outlook for the economy of Mozambique by the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, and mentions some of the challenges to be faced.
Marcopolis compiled a list of the top ten sectors to consider for investment in Mozambique. Investment opportunities include agribusiness, real estate, energy, mining, logistics, etc.
With the war now over, Mozambique’s economy is set in motion on a path to recovery from the years of stagnation and low investor attraction it suffered within sixteen years.
Despite the smooth growth in the economy, pockets of challenges still remain, most of which could be turned into opportunities for the investor community.
Luis Roque Aguiar, Commercial and Development Manager at Motrabro, a global logistics services company, gives his assessment of the transportation sector in Mozambique and presents Motrabro.
Raimundo Maico Diomba mentions some investment opportunities in the Province of Maputo in areas such as agriculture, industry, tourism, transport…
Raimundo Maico Diomba menciona algumas das oportunidades de investimento na Província de Maputo em áreas como agricultura, indústria, turismo, transporte…