Outlook: Mozambique Has Economic and Political Challenges to Face

Joaquim Tobias Dai, Executive Board Director of Exictos, gives his outlook for the economy of Mozambique by the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, and mentions some of the challenges to be faced.

Joaquim Tobias Dai, Executive Board Director of Exictos, gives his outlook for the economy of Mozambique by the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, and mentions some of the challenges to be faced.

“Mozambique is now facing big challenges, in both directions: in economic, as well as political terms. On the economic front, we are facing a downfall because of the world economy. The world economy is down, and a poor country like ours faces significant challenges, even if we have a big ambition to grow”, says Joaquim Tobias Dai.

“What we need – and what we hope can be achieved – is the final deal between the Government and the oil and gas companies, beginning with ENI and Anadarko, in order to boost Mozambique’s oil and gas industry. If we manage to reach this agreement in the course of this year, I believe that in one year’s time our oil and gas industry will once again enjoy a boom, at least in terms of the clusters around those large projects”, he adds.

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