Ghana Economy

List of all articles filed under “ghana-economy” category.

Tourism in Osu – Accra – Opening of Royal Museum in Osu

“The second priority is tourism because from my research we have found that tourism cuts across every field. If you want people to visit your community you have to keep your community clean, you have to have places of convenience that people can access, you have to make sure your people know the history of your community, and you have to learn and be able to work as tour guides.”

VRA Chief Executive Discusses the Latest Developments in Ghana Energy Sector

“As far as the power crisis is concerned, it started in 2012 when we had difficulties with the gas supply from Nigeria. That was the genesis of the power difficulties that we had and it went on for a while until the then government intervened in 2014, 2015, and 2016. They brought in some emergency solutions with what we call emergency power plants.”

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