Osu Mantse: “We Believe in the Potential of Ghana’s Youth

“In terms of youth, we have seen that most of the youth here don’t have employable skills. Although they are drop outs from school, we believe that they still have potential. It is not the end of the line for them as not everyone can be in school and go on to get a degree.”

“In terms of youth, we have seen that most of the youth here don’t have employable skills. Although they are drop outs from school, we believe that they still have potential. It is not the end of the line for them as not everyone can be in school and go on to get a degree.”

“We have a plan to equip them with employable skills. We are going round with vocational institutes, namely the NVTI, the OIC, social welfare, Hotcass, and YMCA. We have sat down with them, trying to negotiate with them for a better trade system whereby we provide them with logistics and tools in return for them to take on the students and teach them employable skills. That is something that is ongoing. We have also sent letters to churches and mosques and within the community inviting the youth to assess this opportunity,” says H.M. DF. Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI, Osu Mantse, President of Osu Traditional Council, President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, and Member of the National House of Chiefs.

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