ASEAN is Moving towards Greater Liberalisation

ASEAN is moving in the liberalised direction. There are some gaps, some cracks in between as it moves towards liberalisation.

Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Munir Abdul Majid, Chairman of Bank Muamalat and Chairman of ASEAN-BAC Malaysia talks about future economic prospects of ASEAN and liberalization.

He says, “ASEAN is moving in the liberalised direction. There are some gaps, some cracks in between as it moves towards liberalisation. To highlight the challenges does not imply that ASEAN is not working. On the contrary, ASEAN is very a very positive story. Certain things have to be improved. The main purpose is to solve all those problems so that it is all positive at the end. I think ASEAN is a story, which is very positive, and problems are being addressed. “

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