Malaysia Sectors

List of all articles filed under “malaysia-sectors” category.

Malaysia Transportation: An Overview of KLIA Ekspres Train Services in Kuala Lumpur by Noormah Mohd Noor

Noormah Mohd Noor gives an overview of KLIA Ekspres train services in Kuala Lumpur. The KLIA Ekspres, which was designed with the air travelers’ needs in mind, is a high-speed, non-stop air-rail connection between Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Kuala Lumpur City Air Terminal (KL CAT) at Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station.

Malaysian Financial Market: Meor Amri Meor Ayob Presents Valuation Agency Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia

Meor Amri Meor Ayob gives an overview of Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia, a valuation agency and key player in the Malaysian financial market. As of today, BPAM stands as the premier source of evaluated prices and data for the Malaysian Fixed Income Market. He also discusses future plans and shares his vision for Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia and the Malaysian financial market in the medium term.

Hew Moi Lan Presents SEGi University: A Leading Private Tertiary Education Provider in Malaysia

Ms Hew Moi Lan shares her thoughts on the state of the educational sector in Malaysia and gives an overview of SEGi University, a leading private tertiary education provider in the country. She also discusses the challenges to be faced by education in Malaysia, as well as SEGi itself, and shares her vision for the next three to five years.

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