Top Agriculture Companies in Ethiopia

Top Agriculture Companies in Ethiopia
Following the attempt to expand the commercial farming in Ethiopia, a huge plot of land is being leased by the government to the different investors—both foreign and local. We have compiled a list of the top companies in the agriculture sector, i.e. the top large-scale agriculture companies involved in the commercial farming in Ethiopia, according to the latest statistics available. Among the top agriculture companies are Ethio Agri-CEFT and Horizon Plantations, both of which belong under MIDROC Group, the leading investor in Ethiopia.
 Ethio Agri-CEFT
Ethio Agri-CEFT is one of the top companies involved in the agriculture sector of Ethiopia. The company is an affiliate of MIDROC Group and has been raking among the largest coffee and tea farms in the country for the last 15 years. It is highly involved in tea production and tea exports. It also produces washed and sun-dried coffee, black tea, green tea, food crops, medicinal as well as bio-pesticides, herbal and aromatic plants, spices, honey and cut flowers.
 Horizon Plantations (Horizon Company)
Horizon Plantations is a specialized arm of the MIDROC conglomerate established in December 2009 by Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-Amoudi, Chairman of MIDROC Ethiopia Investment Group, and Mr. Jemal Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of Horizon Plantations. Its main purpose is to develop large scale perennial plantations starting up with an initial paid up capital of 190 million Birr. Horizon’s vision is to become a leading agricultural producer, processor and exporter in Ethiopia.
 Karuturi Global Ltd
Karuturi Global Ltd is an Indian agro-company, which is among the world’s biggest producer of cut roses. Karuturi Global Ltd has entered Ethiopian market about a decade ago and it is another of the top companies in the large-scale farming sub-sector. The company has acquired 300,000 hectares of fertile farmland in Ethiopia through a very cheap land lease for 99 years.

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