The Risk of Investing in Mozambique is Extremely Limited Says João Das Neves

João Das Neves, Chairman of Zero Investimentos, explains why Mozambique is a good destination to consider for investment.

João Das Neves, Chairman of Zero Investimentos, explains why Mozambique is a good destination to consider for investment.

“Let me say that any investment involves a certain amount of risk, anywhere in the world. Mozambique is no exception and also involves an element of risk. But I believe this risk is extremely limited. If you look at Zero Investimentos’ portfolio, you will see that we focus on medium term investments, as well as infrastructure investments. We are not investing in commodities that may disappear or can have significant and immediately negative impacts; for instance, where you end up having to sell your commodities at half the price”, says João das Neves.

“By investing in infrastructure, real estate and properties, even if the metical devalues, this in fact becomes an extra advantage, since it means we are able to build at a much lower cost right now, and the value of what international investors contribute is much greater. In the medium to long term, inflation should reward with extra revenue those who decided to invest. Yes, there is some small risk. Personally, I don’t see any major investment risk in the medium to long term. There may be some very local incidents, in certain areas, which the Government is dealing with”, he adds.

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