
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

GCC Equity Markets October 2017 Review by Kuwait Finance and Investment Company (KFIC)

According to the Equity Markets October 2017 Review by Kuwait Finance and Investment Company (KFIC), GCC equities, as measured by the MSCI GCC IMI Index declined by -2.7% MTD. UAE’s DFM Index was the top performing regional index, followed by Abu Dhabi’s ADSM Index. Kuwait’s Weighted Index fell by -2.5% with negative performance coming from Consumer goods -9.2%, Telecom -7.9% and positive gains came from Oil & Gas +1.4%.

Tourism in Osu – Accra – Opening of Royal Museum in Osu

“The second priority is tourism because from my research we have found that tourism cuts across every field. If you want people to visit your community you have to keep your community clean, you have to have places of convenience that people can access, you have to make sure your people know the history of your community, and you have to learn and be able to work as tour guides.”

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