
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Stéphane Eholie : Société Ivoirienne de Manutention et de Transit

Stéphane Eholie, PDG de la Société Ivoirienne de Manutention et de Transit, nous parle de sa volonté d’établir des partenariats (au niveau commercial, capitalistique, financier, mais aussi en termes de logistique, de transport ou encore de supply chain), et met en avant ses activités du moment, ainsi que sa vision pour le futur de la SIMAT.

Kuwait Logistics Market in 2017 – 26th Top Emerging Logistics Market Globally

“The Index is a relative comparison of different countries based on objective matrices and indices. With respect to Kuwait, when comparing the country to much larger markets like China and India, Kuwait is at a disadvantage given that it is a smaller market. Larger economies will have more interest as logistics destinations,” says Tarek Sultan, Vice Chairman and CEO of Agility.

Lebanon to Reestablish Itself as a Regional Hub for Express Logistics Services in the Middle East

“As a group Net Holding’s objective and strategy is not only to try to sustain and maintain what we have in terms of business growth across different types of services but also to be prepared for peace in the region. Once it is established, the reconstruction projects in Syria will be actioned and the Iraqi market will thrive; as a matter of fact, all types of projects such as power plants and oil and gas will kick off again so we need to be ready for this economic rebirth in the region.”

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