
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

KPMG Afrique Francophone Sub-Saharienne : Interview avec Jean-Luc Ruelle

Dans cet entretien, Jean-Luc Ruelle nous parle de l’économie et du développement de la Côte d’Ivoire. Il évoque également les principales missions de KPMG en Afrique Francophone Sub-Saharienne et met en avant la nécessité de favoriser la formation et l’enseignement, le groupe ayant par ailleurs créé sa propre académie : l’Académie KPMG.

PEM OFFSHORE Training Centre: “We Need Support from Nigerians and Government”

“Our appeal is for the government to recognise us. We have been able to get here mainly because Chevron Nigeria Ltd has been a very big supporter of Pem Offshore. It was like a dream when we went to Chevron; they gave us a contract without ever seeing anything on the ground,” says Phillips Matthews, Senior Vice President (Americas/Africa) of PEM OFFSHORE GROUP.

Will Nigeria Become Self-Sufficient in Wheat Production? Exclusive Interview with Flour Mills of Nigeria GMD

“For over 50 years we have been in the wheat milling business and in that time we have imported wheat from various countries to produce the raw material for various industries. For instance, the flour that we produce from wheat we supply to the bakery industry. We also supply flour to the biscuit industry. We supply flour to the pasta and noodle industries and we supply flour to the confectionary industry which is very important.”

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