
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Ayla: A Unique Mixed Use Real Estate Project on the Red Sea

“Ayla is very unique; it is basically realising the vision of Aqaba in a way. The vision of Aqaba was to have 50% of its activities in tourism and in other related developments. So Ayla was given land on the border which was undeveloped to turn into a mixed use development and attraction,” says Sahl Dudin, Managing Director of Ayla Oasis Development Company, which is currently undertaking the leading real estate development on the Red Sea.

“There Is Room for More Industries in Jordan,” Says Sheldon Fink of PBI Aqaba

“We believe that Jordan is far away from having realised its potential. That is great in business. If more foreign investors come here and show what we can do and how it can be a very important part of local development then that would also help. That is one of the jobs we are trying to do,” says Sheldon Fink, Chairman & CEO of PBI Aqaba Industrial Estate.

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