
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Capital Markets in Tanzania: Brokerage and Investment Advisory Services by CORE Securities

George Fumbuka discusses capital markets in Tanzania and gives an overview of CORE Securities Limited, a brokerage firm and provider of investment advisory services in capital markets in Tanzania and the SADC Region. He also talks about the impacts of COVID on brokerage and capital markets, and shares his vision for CORE Securities Limited in the medium term.

SAGCOT: Geoffrey Kirenga Discusses Investment Opportunities in the Agricultural Sector in Tanzania

Geoffrey Kirenga shares his assessment of the agricultural industry in Tanzania and gives an overview of SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania), a public-private partnership initiated in 2010 that aims to further develop the Tanzania agricultural sector through agribusiness investments in the country’s southern corridor.

Construction Sector in Kuwait: An Overview of the Concrete Precast Segment by Gazi Al Omani of Fixed Assets

Gazi Al Omani talks about the challenges to be faced by the construction sector in Kuwait and gives an overview of the concrete precast segment. Fixed Assets General Trading And Contracting Co. (W.L.L.) plans to create for itself a niche market as a newly plant in concrete precast business. The company has in its possession a specialized plant and equipment with all modern facilities to produce precast concrete elements.

Rene Industries: The Largest Producer of High Quality Essential Medicines in Uganda

Khushboo Vadodaria discusses the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on the economy and the pharmaceutical sector in Uganda, and explains how Rene Industries, the largest producer of high quality and cost effective essential medicines in the country, overcame this challenge. She also mentions some the the company’s current projects and shares her vision for the future of Rene Industries.

Discussing Civil and Electrical Projects in Kurdistan with Kamaran Bakr of Civelec

Kamaran N. Bakr, CEO of Civelec, a company specialized in civil and electrical projects in Kurdistan and a leading supplier of electrical materials in the region, gives an overview of Civelec and mentions some of its upcoming projects and success stories. He also discusses international reach and talks about his wish to attract investors.

Quality IT Services in Kenya: Wilson Morema Gives an Overview of Wymore IT Solutions

Wilson Morema discusses the impacts of COVID on the ICT industry in Kenya and presents Wymore IT Solutions. Wymore is a web design, software and hardware company. The firm is regarded to be among the best in delivering quality IT services in Kenya. Part of its services include web design, systems and mobile apps development, domains and hosting, social media management, etc.

Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange: Discussing Capital Markets in Tanzania with Moremi Marwa

Moremi Marwa discusses the impact of COVID on the capital markets in Tanzania and gives an overview of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. He also talks about the launch of DSE’s mobile trading platform, as well as the implementation of the DSE Enterprise Acceleration Program. Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange is a member of the African Stock Exchanges Association and the World Federation of Exchanges.

Services Logistiques: Présentation des Activités et Projets de DHL Sénégal par Abdoulaye Thiam

Abdoulaye Thiam présente DHL Sénégal et nous parle du secteur de la logistique dans le pays. Il évoque également les projets du moment et partage sa vision pour le secteur dans les trois prochaines années. DHL est le leader mondial du transport et de la logistique et offre un portefeuille inégalé de services de logistique, allant de la distribution nationale et internationale de colis, au transport express international, en passant par le fret routier, ferroviaire, aérien et maritime, ainsi que la gestion des chaînes d’approvisionnement industrielles.

Civil and Building Construction: Dhruv Jog Presents Tanzanian Construction Company Advent

Dhruv Jog gives an overview of Advent Construction Ltd, a Tanzanian construction company specialized in large scale civil and building construction works, such as water works, airport works, marine engineering, industrial construction, building construction and residential construction. Advent is one of Tanzania’s largest and most recognized civil and building construction companies.

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