
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Ponea Health: Consolidating the Entire Global Health Ecosystem Into One Easy to Use Platform

Akshay Shah gives an overview of the Ponea Health concept and discusses the importance of consolidating the entire global health ecosystem into one easy to use platform. Even though Ponea was born in Kenya, the platform aims to transform the healthcare system and connect all three healthcare actors (patients, healthcare professionals and partners) in a global ecosystem.

Alcoholic Beverages Made in Uganda: Moses Mugisha Shares his Goals and Vision for Leading Distillers

Moses Mugisha discusses the impacts of the pandemic on the alcoholic beverages sector in Uganda and East Africa and shares the latest news related to the company, as well as his vision and future plans. With over 20 years’ experience in distilling and blending alcoholic beverages (gin, whiskey and ready to drink alcoholic beverages), Leading Distillers has emerged as one of the prominent companies in East Africa.

Plastic Recycling Industry in Ghana: Nelplast is Turning Plastic Waste into Eco-Friendly Building Materials

Eco-entrepreneur Nelson Boateng shares his assessment of the plastic recycling industry in Ghana and presents Nelplast, an innovative company set to solve 3 major problems in Ghana: affordable housing, plastic waste and jobs. The company uses all kinds of plastic waste in production of building materials for construction, such as bricks for roads, building or roof tiles.

Snack Food Industry in West Africa: Discussing Latest Trends with Geoffrey Fadoul of Daily Food

Geoffrey Fadoul gives an overview of the industrial bakery business and snack food industry in West Africa, and presents Daily Food Ltd, the only industrial bakery in Ghana to be ISO 22000 certified. The company’s flaghip product, the Boss Baker cake, was named best snack product of the year at the 2021 Ghana International Products Awards.

Ponea Health: A Global 3-Sided Marketplace Connecting Patients, Healthcare Professionals and Partners

Michael Macharia explains how the Ponea Heatlh concept was born. Ponea is Africa’s first global 3-sided marketplace connecting patients, healthcare professionals and partners, made in Kenya. Ponea’s strategy is to remove all the friction involved in accessing, providing and paying for health and well-being care for people of all demographics anywhere in the world, through a transparent and easy to use platform.

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