imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Outlook for Saudi capital markets and mortgage market

The Islamic finance industry has evolved in the direction of complying with the conventional system. Islamic finance industry has to rethink its philosophy. The latest trend in the industry is the emergence of innovations from Islamic institutions that are derived from the principals of the Islamic finance philosophy, not from the motive of providing solutions or mimicking the conventional finance systems.

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia: Steady Improvement

Over the past decade, Saudi Arabia has emerged as one of the best places to do business in the Middle East. In its ranking “Ease of Doing Business” Index 2011, the World Bank ranked 11th out of 183 countries. Saudi Arabia has made significant progress by moving up to 11th place from the 67th place in the global ranking it occupied in 2005.

Engineering Square (IDG), the largest industrial developer in Egypt

Engineering Square (IDG) started in 2007 as an idea of the former Minister of Trade and Industry Engineer Rashid and some business people. “They invented the so-called industrial developer to create more industrial land in Egypt without putting financial burden on the government. We have sold out about 85%, of which 50% are already functioning. We have about 35 factories operating. Another 25 are under construction,” explains Sameh Attia, Managing Director of Engineering Square (Industrial Development Group).

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